The Ultimate Guide To Get Your Baby To Stop Crying

The Ultimate Guide To Get Your Baby To Stop Crying

You can’t call it a day until you hold your baby in your arms and feel their little fingers and tiny toes. We know that watching them smile is the best feeling in the world for you. It is for us too!

Becoming a mother is the moment when all of life’s battles suddenly seem worth fighting for. However, it becomes alarming when the struggle is not against the world but your baby. It’s at this moment that you feel helpless as a mother. Believe us when we tell you, it’s absolutely normal.

Babies cry for a lot of reasons. It’s easy to calm them down when it’s a usual cry. It takes just a few simple measures like feeding, a burp, a diaper change or some simple soothing to achieve that. However, in some cases, it can become quite a challenge.

It’s hard for them to adjust to a world outside the protected realm of the mother's womb. Babies can cry as much as two to three hours in a day, and living with the wailing isn't easy. These moments make you lose your cool. You may even start to doubt your parenting skills or worry about connecting with your baby.

The constant crying can become stressful for you but just remember to remain calm and know that you’re doing the best you can mama!

So let’s relieve your stress a little! Grab a cup of hot brewing coffee and relax because we’ve put together something amazing for you;

The 5 S’s for soothing a crying baby.

1. Swaddling

Swaddling is an ancient method for wrapping newborns in a thin blanket or cloth, so that movement of the limbs is tightly restricted. It soothes your baby and makes him feel warm, protected and comfortable as it gives them a womb-like feeling.

Check out our Baby Organic Muslin Wraps. Available in 12+ styles, our wraps are incredibly lightweight, breathable and easy to use. 

2. Side or stomach position

Babies are born with a Moro or startle reflex. While babies lie on their back, several seemingly normal stimuli cause them to disturb and fling their arms out to grab onto you as they feel they are being dropped. This may initiate an inconsolable cry.

By putting them onto her side or stomach, it turns off the sensors in their brain that causes the reflex to occur and helps them calm down. However, it’s important to ensure that the baby must be put back when going to sleep to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

3. Shushing

A uterus is a prominent place for the baby. The volume in the uterus ranges from 80 to 90 decibels, which is even louder than a vacuum cleaner. The constant and rhythmic whooshing of the blood flow in the uterus is in stark contrast to the extreme quiet outside the womb.

Thus babies calm down to rhythmic whooshing sounds, which may remind them of the environment in the womb.

Just like babies can cry with overstimulation, they can also cry from under-stimulation or sensory deprivation without the noise and volume they were accustomed to.

Turning on a vacuum cleaner, hairdryer or a fan helps to block out the random noises that startle the baby when they are trying to settle down. Alternatively, you can also try shushing your baby with "Shhhhhh…shhhh…shhhh…" sounds.


A rhythmic motion of any kind helps in calming the baby down. Swinging mimics the constant action that the babies experience while they are in the uterus.

You can take them out for a ride or a stroll in the car. The change in light, air, temperature, sights, sounds, and smells is likely to improve your baby's mood.


Sucking is one of the most powerful reflexes that a baby is born with that helps them survive. Babies use this reflex to eat up to 8-12 times a day and also as a self-calming tool.

If your baby is crying, help them find their thumb, fist or finger, or simply offer one of your fingers for a stint.

Maybe, just maybe, this is what your baby thinks.
The Ultimate Guide To Get Your Baby To Stop Crying

Crying can be a mystery, and it can stop as quickly as it begins. Your baby is not mad at you, nor is your baby trying to make you look like a bad parent. 

Stay calm and happy parenting!


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